Note: This blog is 100% my opinion and does not represent any commentary from any actor, movie, or studio. I also do own the rights to any image I put on here. It is merely for fun.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Top 5 Fitness Inspiring Movies of All-time (for men)

Everybody likes a buff guy. Or at least Hollywood seems to think so. In almost every single action movie and even some non-action movies, viewers are shown a buff guy to swoon over. Their thought process is simple; men want to be that guy and women want to be with that guy. As a fitness buff myself (pun intended), I do not mind seeing the muscley hero and often find it inspiring. On more than one occasion, I have left the movie theater to go to the gym immediately after. Thus, to perhaps help other fitness minded people, I have complied a list of the top 5 fitness-inspiring movies of all time.

5) Pumping Iron
Pumping Iron is the bodybuilding documentary that made Muscle beach and Arnold Schwarzenneger a household name. It helped sparked a fitness revolution in the 70’s and 80’s causing many people to start lifting weights. Throughout the films entirety, viewers are shown the hard training bodybuilders do and lifestyle they live. Often glamorized, a viewer can’t help but feel compelled to workout. However, Pumping Iron does do a serious disservice by not mentioning the use of steroids.

4) Rocky 3
Sylvester Stallone was not out of shape in the first two Rocky films, but he wasn’t exactly ripped either. Perhaps Stallone was tired of all the recognition Arnold was getting for his body and it inspired him to get in shape and he definitely did. Stallone is ripped to shreds in Rocky 3, causing envy amongst many male viewers and likely an increase in gym memberships.

3) Any Mark Wahlberg Movie.
From Boogie Nights to The Fighter, Wahlberg is ripped! Known for not wearing a shirt, Wahlberg was made famous as a Calvin Klein underwear model and he kept his good physique through hard training over the years. Look out for Pain and Gain next year, as Walhberg put in 40 pounds to play a body builder and is his biggest size ever.

2) Any Matthew McConaughey Movie
Born with great genetics and an aversion to clothing, McConaughey is shirtless in just about every movie he has ever made. Even at age 42, he trained hard for Magic Mike and was in the best shape of any actor in the movie. Sadly, the Texas-born actor has lost 30 pounds for a role as an aids victim and his body may never be the same again.

1) 300
This one is no surprise. Most of the male actors do not wear any shirts in this movie and almost all of them are exceptionally toned. Although rumors of steroids and digital color shading were brought up, no one can deny how ripped Gerard Butler is in this movie. Training immensely hard for eight months, he created one of the most physically envied movies ever to exist.They even created a workout off the movie, where you complete 300 repetitions of various exercises to target your whole body. Be aware, it's not easy.

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