Note: This blog is 100% my opinion and does not represent any commentary from any actor, movie, or studio. I also do own the rights to any image I put on here. It is merely for fun.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Top 5 Bank Robbery Movies of All Time

Bank-robbery movies are some of the most exciting and interesting movies Hollywood continues to produce. They are, without a doubt, my favorite type of movie and drive millions of viewers to the movies every year. Due to the plethora of excellent bank robbery movies, I have complied a list of my personal top 5 favorite films on the subject.

5. The Dark Knight. The opening bank heist is intricate, compelling, and pulled off well by The Joker. Through sheer genius, he is able to steal 68 million dollars without having to share any of the money.
It also sets up the rest of the plot in one of the greatest movies ever made.
Heath Ledger R.I.P.
4. Ocean's 11. A remake of the 1960's classic, this film has a terrific cast showing a witty and hilarious side to bank robbers. Despite its humor, Danny Ocean and the boys still pull off a clever heist of over 160 million dollars and was interesting enough to spawn two sequels. 

3. Heat. Although this is the best directed best scripted and best put together film on this list. It's very exciting and captures Los Angeles crime in a unique way. The heists are well thought out and pulled off with great skill and the cafe scene between Al Pacino and Robert Deniro is legendary. The only thing I felt was missing was a little character development, making it number three on my list.

2. Point Break. Often ridiculed, Point break is one of the most exciting movies I have ever seen. With scenes featuring night surfing, skydiving, car chases and bank robbery, it's action packed and never leaves for a dull moment. Add Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze, and you have one of the most quotable movies ever made. Reeves and Swayze's bromance develops throughout the movie, causing a clash between the law and loyalty. Most people are unaware that the director Kathryn Bigelow later went on to win numerous Oscars for The Hurt Locker and that James Cameron executive produced this film. 
1. The Town. The Boston based film takes you right into the minds and lives of bank robbers and appears very realistic. Wonderfully directed by Ben Affleck, The Town tells the story of a man born into the life of crime who wants more, but cannot seem to separate himself from his friends. With tremendous supporting acting by Jeremy Renner, this movie takes the idea of loyalty to a whole other level. It may be a bit cliche at times, but The Town is excellent and won Bro Movie of the Year 2010, an award that speaks volumes about this film.

Honorable Mention: The Fast and the Furious. Exceptionally similar in plot to Point Break, this movie is every bit as exciting and quotable as the legendary surfing film. However, the heists are rarely shown and seem implausible, making it barely miss the cut of the top 5.


  1. keep 'em coming. how about top 5 villains? or perhaps top 5 movie bromances?

  2. If Roger Ebert was stylish and had swag, his name would be Ryan Eagleson. Keep these post coming, they target topics we want and should read about. Bro-Etiquette is something I personally want to be seen written about. I'm diggin' these blog posts thus far.

  3. You guys are too kind. Top 5 bromances is not only on the way, but is out right now.
